Leave the delicate bulgur to soak in cold water for an hour, then bring to the boil with 200 ml of water for 2 minutes. Then simmer for 15 to 20 minutes until the water is boiled or absorbed by the delikatessa bulgur.
Cut eggplants lengthwise into three to four mm thick slices, grill on both sides and leave to cool. Cut the feta cheese into finger-thick sticks and roll them up with the grilled eggplant slices.
Sweat onion cubes and garlic in olive oil, add tomatoes, bring to the boil and refine with salt and pepper. Mix at the highest setting and then pass through a sieve.
Cut the eggplants in half and cut in several times. Season with salt, pepper and olive oil. Then bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. When the eggplant is well done, put it in the blender and puree it. Cut three small eggs with two spoons for each portion as desired.
Confect the cherry tomatoes with a little olive oil, salt, pepper and thyme at 120 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes in the oven and let them cool down. Roast the delicate pistachios briefly in the hot pan, let them cool down and chop them roughly. Arrange them on the plate with parsley and coriander cress as desired and enjoy!